Pet First Aid; You Should Know This!
August 9, 2021

Dogs have a very inquisitive nature and danger is a strange concept. Some strange object? They’re chewing on it already.This makes for a possibility of potential physical harm. Sometimes, minor emergencies might arise and all you need is basic knowledge of pet first aid.

So, here is some essential pet first aid information that you should know: 

  1. Noting the signs

There’s a possibility that you didn’t see what happened, and this is why noting signs is essential. For starters, you have to know your pet’s regular behavior.If he’s acting out of character, then there might be something wrong and you should start probing. Factors like a sudden change in appetite, smell, or behavior can indicate something out of the ordinary.

Furthermore, a sign like gasping or panting, could imply airway blockage, throwing up could indicate food poisoning, and so on. 

  1. Checking For a Pulse

Just like it is in humans, knowing how to check for a pulse in your pet is essential. The upper third of your pup’s thigh region is the best place to check.Simply curl your hand on the thigh and squeeze gently from underneath. The artery which transports oxygenated blood should be pulsing.

It is advisable to use any finger apart from the thumb for this because the thumb has a strong pulse too, and may affect the accurate gauging of your pet’s pulse.To get the number of beats per minute, simply time the pulse for 15 seconds and multiply this by 4.

  1. Muzzling Your Pet

When a dog is frightened or in pain, they might likely bite. Muzzling your pet is something you should be able to do. 

However, if your pet is panting, muzzling is out of the question, since they need that air source. Since he’d most likely be on the floor, gently approach and encourage him to place his nose in the muzzle.Once that’s done, clip the muzzle on and ensure that it is snug. Not too tight, but not so loose that he can pull it off.

  1. Dealing With a Choking Hazard

A choking hazard can successfully block your pet’s airway and prevent him from breathing easily.Some clear signs of choking or airway obstruction include extreme distress, apparent choking sounds, continuous coughing and he may also rub his face along the ground.

The easiest way to dislodge a potential choking hazard involves two simple steps:

  • Suspend your pet in the air upside down, holding up their back legs. 
  • Note the area where the ribs end and the abdomen starts, and then firmly deliver a blow to that area. 
  • Repeat that about four times. 

Another method is the Heimlich maneuver

  1. Transporting Your Dog

A major section of pet first aid entails carrying your pup the proper way. When transporting your pup,

  • Slide your dominant arm gently underneath your dog’s chest and let it remain between his front lungs. 
  • Lift him gently, and let his backside cozy between your arm and body, for extra support. 
  • Place your dominant arm behind his back legs, and use your other arm to wrap and support the front of the chest. 

cute toys and you can tell the puppies are well taken care of

~ Kelly Mackey

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